Anova Precision Cookers
An extremely passionate team that’s using science and technology to make it easy and affordable to cook like a pro.
Anova are proud of the device they have created. Precise. Consistent. Simple. We are proud of the #AnovaFoodNerd community we have inspired. We believe everyone has a seat at the table and engage with our customers and our employees in open and transparent dialogue.
Most importantly, we’ve learned along the way that Anova is more than just a device. It’s a way to transform everyday cooking into a meaningful, personal and positive experience. It’s a way to connect – with your family, with your friends, and with your community. By making it simple to cook like a pro, you can focus on what really matters.
The Anova Range
All heroes need great sidekicks
It’s true – you can make a meal worthy of a “tire company” star in the comfort of your home using just your Anova Precision® Cooker, a zip-seal bag, and a pot full of water.
But sometimes a little help can go a long way, and that’s where our line of Anova Precision® accessories comes in. Consider them the Robin to your Batman.
Designed to pair perfectly with Anova Precision® Cookers.