Edinburgh Fringe, The Egg Awards and Spanking Street Food | The Tool Shed

Edinburgh Fringe, The Egg Awards and Spanking Street Food

Alex meets Tony SinghAfter a busy week we were very excited to be Edinburgh bound for the bank holiday weekend and what a weekend it was. For one the sun was shining, for two Mr SousVide Tools got down on one knee at the top of Arthurs seat and proposed. But enough of that we were there on official work business too and got to present the Egg Awards 2013 second prize winner Tony Singh with his prize of a PolyScience Smoking Gun.

Mr Singh met us at his pop up at Summer House and the delicious fragrant smells wafting on the breeze as we walked into the court yard allowed us to make a beeline for him. Cooking a selection of street food dishes his stand was taking a steady stream of customer keen to refuel. The whole court yard area had a chilled back feeling which was a million miles away from the hussle and bussle of Princes Street and the Royal Mile. This was a Fringe Venue we had not experienced before and one we will definitely visit again.

We were delighted to donate a prize to the Egg Awards and would like to pass on our congratulations to the winner, Two Michelin Star chef Dani Garcia from Spain and runners up Scottish chef and Great British Menu contestant Tony Singh, Artisan jewellery designer and food blogger Vivienne Aldred and Toronto food blogger Ann Allchin .

A special mention also to the organisers and judges who kindly give up their time to make this happen. Read all about the Egg Awards at the blog spot here.

Not food related but a special mention to our favourite show of the Fringe, Dave Griffiths in C U IN COURT was a real highlight for us and if he ever takes it on tour its a must see.

