How to Cook Squid Sous Vide | The Tool Shed

How to Cook Squid Sous Vide

The difficulty of cooking squid is well-known. The two most common methods – very quick frying and low and slow braising – can result in tough and chewy meat if not executed perfectly. Due to the low temperatures and long cooking times of sous vide, this method is a more reliable way to cook squid. It produces tender results every time.


  1. Preheat the water bath to a temperature of 59⁰C.
  2. Gut and clean the squid, making sure that you peel off the membrane on the inside of the body.
  3. Rinse thoroughly in cold water and pat dry with kitchen paper.
  4. Sprinkle the squid with salt and seal inside a vacuum bag.
  5. Place the vacuum bag in the water bath and leave to cook for 1½ hours.
  6. Remove the squid from the bag and cut into portions of the size/shape desired. The squid is now ready to serve.


You could add a marinade of olive oil, garlic and herbs to the vacuum bag. However, if you decide to do this, you will need to slice the squid into appropriate portions before placing it inside the vacuum bag, rather than after it has cooked.

For a crispy texture, batter and deep-fry the squid after cooking it sous vide. Alternatively, you could use a very hot frying pan to sear the sous-vide squid.

Serving suggestions

Dominic Chapman serves his squid with ‘nduja and crème fraîche in a vibrant surf-and-turf salad while Nathan Outlaw’s Mediterranean-inspired Red mullet and squid with oven-dried tomatoes, wild fennel and pickled mushrooms would make an indulgent main for a dinner party. Squid also plays a starring role in one of Pierre Koffman’s signature dishes, Squid Bolognese.

Recipe courtesy of

