Compressed Cucumber, Roasted Scallops and Fresh Dill | Recipe by

Compressed Cucumber, Roasted Scallops and Fresh Dill

Compressed Cucumber, Roasted Scallops and Fresh Dill Vegetables and Sides Compressed, Cucumber, Roasted, Scallops, Dill, easy, simple, starter, hand dived, shell fish english, french
  • COOK TIME: 30 Minutes
  • PREP TIME: 10 Minutes
  • DIFFICULTY: Medium
  • SERVES: 2


  • ½ cucumber cut into strips
  • 2 tbsp. cider vinegar
  • ½ tsp. sugar
  • 6 scallops
  • 2 sprigs of dill



  1. Set your chamber vacuum packer to the highest setting on vacuum (usually 90 or 99)
  2. Place the cucumber, vinegar and sugar into a pouch and seal
  3. Leave the cucumber in the pouch for at least 30 mins
  4. Using a hot pan cook the scallops until golden and crisp
  5. Open the pouch and dress the plate using the cucumbers, scallops and dill

Chef’s Tip:

Add some fresh apple and caviar to the plate for an elegant starter.

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