On the Coals Byland Burger by Tommy Banks | Recipe by sousvidetools.com

On the Coals Byland Burger by Tommy Banks

On the Coals Byland Burger by Tommy Banks https://youtube.com/embed/qv5Z1ONjW3U Videos
  • SERVES: 4-6


Burger Seasoning

  • 10g Onion Powder
  • 10g Garlic Powder
  • 20g Salt
  • 5g Black pepper
  • 2g Paprika


Burger Patty

  • 500g Short rib
  • 120g Brisket
  • 500g Chuck


Squeezy Cheese

  • 140g Soft cheese (Tunworth etc.)
  • 90g Ogleshield
  • 70g Red Leicester
  • 9g Sodium Citrate
  • 120g Whole Milk
  • 30g Butter
  • 4g Maldon


Bacon Jam

  • 500g 5mm Diced Cured Back Bacon
  • 10g Minced Garlic
  • 250g Diced white Onion
  • 1 red chilli
  • 50g Light Soft Brown Sugar
  • 40ml Maple Syrup
  • 60ml Cider Vinegar
  • 60ml Espresso
  • 80ml Water
  • 20ml Camp Coffee
  • 25g Balsamic Vinegar


Caramelised Onions

  • 1kg Roscoff Onions
  • 60g Beef fat


Fermented Tomato Ketchup

  • 25ml Sunflower Oil
  • 125g Red Onion
  • 15g Minced Garlic
  • 200ml Red Wine Vinegar
  • 200g Dark Brown Sugar
  • 30g Chopped Gherkins
  • 30g Gluten Free Soy Sauce
  • 800g Tomato Paste
  • 800g Fermented Tomato Juice
  • 400g Fermented Tomato Pulp


1 x Kasai Grill


Did someone say Bank Holiday BBQ? Fire up the Kasai Konro Grill this weekend and have a go at these super tasty Byland Burgers by Tommy Banks, our Kasai Grill ambassador. These delicious meat packed burgers and squeezy cheese will have everyone coming back for more!

We like to make the ketchup and the caramelised onions the day before, it helps to lock in those flavours and gives you more time to catch up with your BBQ buddies. Don’t worry, if you are coming to this recipe short on time a same day marinade also works well. You can also make the patties well in advance and freeze them, or put any uncooked ones in the freezer for another day (like that’s going to happen).

Burger Seasoning

  •  Combine all the ingredients together and set aside ready to add to the pattys.

Burger Patty

  • Grind the meat separately and then combine with the burger seasoning.
  • Portion into patties. The size is your own preference, but we would recommend a hefty 200g – 225g patty.
  • These can be frozen.

Squeezy Cheese

  • Combine all the ingredients in a Bain Marie and begin to melt & Whisk everything into one homogenous mix.
  • Once all ingredients have come together, transfer to a blender and blend on high speed for 5 minutes.
  • Cool under a cartouche and add to piping bags when ready to use.

Bacon Jam

  • In a pan cook the bacon until crispy and caramelised.
  • Remove from the pan and add in minced garlic and white onion.
  • Just before this caramelises add in the light brown sugar, as the sugar begins to caramelise add in the remaining ingredients.
  • Now put the bacon back into the pan, turn the heat down and reduce the liquid until you have a sticky, rich, glossy bacon jam.
  • Cool when ready and reserve for cooking later.
  • Use 2 tablespoons per burger.
  • Freeze the remaining mix for your next round of burgers.

Caramelised Onions

  • Thinly Slice roscoff onions and set aside.
  • In a wide based heavy pan over medium heat begin to melt your beef fat.
  • Add the onions the pan, season with a generous amount of salt. This will help draw out the water from the onions.
  • Fold the onions and fat together.
  • Lower the heat and place a cartouche on top of the onions. Cook for around 30 minutes, moving the onions every 5 minutes.
  • As the onions begin to soften and the base begins to caramelise, remove the cartouche, turn the heat. 
  • Keep moving the onions until your onions are a deep golden colour.
  • Strain off the fat and reserve.
  • Re-heat a small portion when cooking the burgers.

Fermented Tomato Ketchup

  • In a wide, heavy based pan combine all the ingredients and bring to a simmer.
  • Reduce by 65% around 30 minutes.
  • Transfer to a blender and pass through a chinois or a fine sieve.
  • Cool under a cartouche and reserve till needed.


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