On the Coals Lamb Kofta & New Potatoes by Tommy Banks | Recipe by sousvidetools.com
On the Coals Lamb Kofta & New Potatoes by Tommy Banks

Lamb Kebab – Makes 8 x 122g Koftas
- 500g Lamb Mince
- 125g Pork Mince
- 50g Lardo Mince
- 75g Minced Chicken Livers
- 50g Minced dates
- 50g 5mm Diced Onion
- 75g Gluten free Breadcrumbs
- 10g Minced Garlic
- 7.5g Salt
- 10g Black Pepper
- 25g Dried Mint
Crushed New Potatoes
- 20 / 24 New potatoes (5/6per portion)
Fir Salt
- 50g fir needles
- 50g salt
Mint Vinegar Gel
- 600ml White Wine Vinegar
- 60g Fresh Mint (Flavour)
- 60g Fresh Mint (Colour)
- 10g Agar Agar
Squeezy Cheese
- 140g Soft cheese (Tunworth etc.)
- 90g Ogleshield
- 70g Red Leicester
- 9g Sodium Citrate
- 120g Whole Milk
- 30g Butter
- 4g Maldon
Fermented Cos Lettuce Powder
- 2 x Cos Lettuce
- Salt
Lamb Kebab – Makes 8 x 122g Koftas
- Combine and mould into small kebabs. (Can be made in advanced and frozen)
- Generously coat in oil and sear heavily on the lowest tier of the kasai grill.
- Move to the second tier, turn every few minutes until cooked through.
Crushed New Potatoes
- Wash your potatoes and add to a heavily seasoned pan of water
- Bring to the boil and cook until soft
- Strain and cool
- Carefully crush the potatoes, do not apply too much pressure or they will break up when frying.
- Fry in 180c beef fat or oil until golden.
- Remove the potatoes and toss in a bowl with fir salt.
Fir Salt
- Dehydrate the fir needles at 55c overnight.
- Remove the needles and either grind using a pestle and mortar or a blender.
- If the salt isn’t fully dry, add the final mix back to the dehydrator for a few more hours.
Mint Vinegar Gel
- Bring White wine vinegar to 72c, add in 60g of mint and set aside until ambient (around 30 minutes)
- Strain the mint and add the mint vinegar to a saucepan
- Whisk in the Agar Agar until fully dissolved
- Bring to the boil
- Continue to whisk for 2 to 3 minutes
- Pass through a chinois or sieve into a tray and allow the gel to set in the fridge.
- Once fully set, break into pieces along with the remaining fresh mint and blend on high-speed until you have a smooth deep green gel. Pass and reserve.
- Keep refrigerated until needed.
Squeezy Cheese
- Combine all the ingredients in a Bain Marie and begin to melt & Whisk everything into one homogenous mix.
- Once all ingredients have come together, transfer to a blender and blend on high speed for 5 minutes.
- Cool under a cartouche and add to piping bags when ready to use.
Fermented Cos Lettuce Powder
- Remove each leaf from the lettuce, wash, rinse and dry.
- Cover each leaf with a tsp of salt, begin to stack the leaves on top of each other in a container.
- Cover with a cloth and leave for 12 hours.
- Then place an airtight lid on the container and leave for up to 7 days in an ambient dark space.
- After 7 days (or less, if in a warmer location) remove the lettuce, rinse and dry the leaves before adding them to a dehydrator at 65c for 24 hours or until crisp.
- Transfer to a blender and blitz on the highest speed until a fine powder is achieved.
- Store in an airtight container.
To serve
To serve finish with fresh Greek yogurt, Cheese, Mint Gel and garnish with nasturtium leaves and flowers.