On the Coals Planked Salmon I Bertha Ovens | Recipe by sousvidetools.com

On the Coals Planked Salmon I Bertha Ovens

On the Coals Planked Salmon I Bertha Ovens https://www.youtube.com/embed/-_xO_ablRgQ Charcoal Cooking Recipes
  • COOK TIME: 20 mins
  • PREP TIME: 5 mins
  • SERVES: 4


1 whole side of salmon

For the sauce/marinade

4 tbsp dark soy sauce

2tbsp sesame oil

2 tbsp honey

2 tbsp chilli sauce

2 tbsp rice wine vinegar

2tsp garlic & ginger paste

1 cedar planks or similar, soaked overnight

Smoking chips (optional)


Bruno’s Asian inspired Salmon is an ideal centre piece for any dinner party or get together. Cooked on a good old plank of wood, this whole side of salmon is lovingly glazed and will fall apart when serving. Dressed with spring onions to finish and served with an asian style salad.

The Salmon

Get your BBQ ready for direct cooking. Heat it to about 220-230°C.

If you are using smoking chips, add them to the coals once the salmon is on for an extra Smokey flavour.

Place the salmon onto your soaked boards, mix all ingredients for the marinade together and spread all over the flesh side of the salmon leaving half in a bowl.

Place the salmon on the board on the rack over the coals and cook for 15 to 20 minutes. Place the remaining half of the marinade over the salmon half way though the cooking to intensify the flavour.

Allow to rest and serve in the middle of the table as a showstopper.

We recommend to serve with a beansprout, coriander and pickled ginger salad.


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