Saffron Spiced Whole Clementine cooked Sous Vide with Muscat, A Honey Set Cream and Granita | Recipe by

Saffron Spiced Whole Clementine cooked Sous Vide with Muscat, A Honey Set Cream and Granita

Saffron Spiced Whole Clementine cooked Sous Vide with Muscat, A Honey Set Cream and Granita Sous Vide Christmas Recipes Saffron, Spiced,,Clementine , Muscat, , Honey, Cream, Granita, festive , winter , tasty , dessert , refreshing british, european , modern
  • COOK TIME: 6 Hours
  • PREP TIME: 30 Minutes
  • SERVES: 4


  • 4 whole clementines (peeled)
  • Basil leaves for garnish
  • 100mls of Muscat syrup
  • 150g runny honey
  • ¼ tsp mixed spice
  • 2 crushed cardamom seeds
  • 1 pinch saffron
  • Zest of 2 clementines
  • 2 bay leaves
  • ½ cinnamon stick
  • 100g soft brown sugar
  • 200mls of double cream
  • 300mls whole milk
  • ¼ tsp ground nutmeg
  • 75g sugar
  • 2 leaves of galantine (soaked)


  1. Preheat water bath to 68C
  2. Peel and scrape the white pith from the outside of the clementines with a sharp knife before placing in a vacuum pouch.
  3. Melt the brown sugar with the Muscat to create a syrup .
  4. Place the Muscat syrup, 100g honey, mixed spice, saffron, zest, cinnamon and syrup into a bowl and mix to create a flavoured syrup. Pour syrup onto the clementines and seal pouch.
  5. Place into water bath and cook for 6 hours. Once cooked, cool and refrigerate.
  6. Place cream, milk, nutmeg, 50g honey and sugar into a pan and bring to the boil. Then pour over soaked gelatine, whisk andpass through a fine sieve. Place into ramekin dishes and set in the fridge overnight.
  7. Take the clementines from the pouch Using a fine sieve, pass the cooking syrup and place into a shallow container. Freeze for 6 hours stirring every hour with a fork to create Muscat granita.
  8. To serve, take large spoons of the set cream and place onto a plate, lay a large spoonful of granita onto the plate then the whole poached clementine and picked basil leaves.
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