Sous Vide Cod with Shiitake Mushrooms | Recipe by

Sous Vide Cod with Shiitake Mushrooms

Sous Vide Cod with Shiitake Mushrooms Fish and Seafood
Sous Vide Cod with Shiitake Mushrooms


  • 2 cod portions (about 275g)
  • 150g shiitake mushrooms
  • 1tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tomato
  • soy sauce (for example Kikkoman)
  • zest of 1 blood orange
  • 1tbsp garlic puree
  • 1tbsp lemon juice, freshly squeezed
  • Schwartz Thai 7 Spice (depends on how hot you like your food)


Do you ever get disappointed when cooking fish that it loses all of the taste and smell of the sea?  This fabulous recipe cheers up a dull cod dish with a zing of a blood orange to make it a meal that is fresh from the ocean and leave you feeling that you’ve had a taste of the exotic.

This recipe was kindly provided by Galiana at Chez Maximka.


  1. Preheat your water bath to 52°C
  2. Roughly dice the mushrooms and tomatoes and fry in a drizzle of oil.
  3. Add the lemon juice and give it a good stir to infuse the flavour.
  4. Once stirred, add the garlic puree, spices and the soy sauce into the pan until it thickens.
  5. Once thick, add it, the cod portions and the zest or rind of one blood orange (if in season) to the vac pac and seal the pouch.
  6. Cook for 50 minutes
  7. Once cooked, serve hot and enjoy!
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