Sousvidetools Recycling scheme | The Tool Shed
Sousvidetools Recycling scheme
At Sous Vide Tools we have been giving some serious thought on what we can do to reduce the waste plastic produced when sous vide cooking and vacuum packing. After a lot of work behind the scenes we are delighted to let our community be the first to know that within a few weeks we will be able to offer recycling on all of our plastic bags, pouches and rolls.
We sell over 10 million pouches currently in just one year and with your help we would like to be able to say next year that we have recycled at least 10% of those which is over 1 million pouches that won’t be going to land fill.
A few bits on plastic and the world we live in:
- 8 Million pieces of plastic enter the ocean every day
- A plastic bottle takes 500 years to break down into fragments in a marine environment and even then it is still small plastic particles.
- 50% of plastic thrown away is only used once
- 1 million birds and 1,000,000 marine animals are killed annually from plastic in the ocean
- Only 9% of plastic is currently recycled
- Meaning 91% of all the plastic ever made still exists.