Will Brown Case Study | The Tool Shed

Will Brown Case Study

“I work with Sous Vide Tools because they are informative, knowledgeable and helpful. They always have the latest equipment on offer and are very much the leaders in the industry when it comes to sous vide and kitchen gastronomy equipment.”

-Will Brown

Will Brown:  SVT interview: June 2014

Why do you use the technique of sous vide?


Hard to go wrong

Once you learn how to do it – it really improves your cooking

Faultless cooking

How long have you cooked sous vide?

When I working at The Glass House in London – they had a water bath:  5 years ago. I learnt it all there.

What machines do you have?

Vac Pack, Thermal Circulator, Dehydrator, smoking gun

What dishes do you use it for?

Filet of beef

Lamb is my favorite

Use it for all my meat and fish

AND some vegetables – it keeps the flavour in. Pure vegetable flavour just out of the ground

How does it influence your menu?

I would BBQ things without using a BBQ

Use charcoal  – put the charcoal in the bag with oil

Infuse in the water bath for 7 hours

What business benefits does SV cooking bring you?

Helped transform the business

All the young lads find it really interesting

Everyone can do it

It simplifies the process in the kitchen

Media rare: perfect

Rare: perfect

Why SVT?

Started following them on Twitter

Very active

Retweeted – won a circulator

Very helpful, informative, new equipment

The leader in the industry

Other comments

I have been in charge of my 32 year old family owned for 2 years

It was not in place when I took over

I introduced sous vide, van pack, smoking guns –all to try and stay one step ahead.  I have turned the business around.

My style of cooking is Modern British Cuisine:  new and interesting techniques for people at home

