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How to use the Vacuum Sealer [Video] | The Tool Shed

How to use the Vacuum Sealer

Vacuum sealers come in two main types: bar sealers and chamber sealers.


Bar sealers use a simple suction technique: you attach the bag to the machine and it sucks out the air. This technique can be used only with dry ingredients as the sealer will extract liquid as well as gas, drying out the food and potentially damaging the machine.

Chamber sealers work in a more sophisticated way and can be used with liquids. Rather than vacuuming the bag directly, these sealers remove the air from the space around it. This produces a vacuum that compresses and seals the bag.


  1. Fill a vacuum bag (or bags, as necessary) with your chosen ingredients.
  2. Fasten the bar sealer on to the top of the vacuum bag and turn on the machine.
  3. Remove the sealed bag. It is now ready use.

Recipe courtesy of www.greatbritishchefs.com
